Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0
Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0
Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0
Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0
Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0
Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0

Beauty device HF Synthesis 2.0

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Product delivery time 2-4 weeks.


Highfrequency device for facial treatments. Great for use in the beauty salon and at home. Electrods filled with argon emit a purple color. Darsonval has a wide range of applications: speeds up blood circulation, stimulates glands, stimulates metabolism, kills bacteria, generates heat energy in skin tissues, helps with beauty products - creams, masks, etc. penetrate the deep layers of the skin. The high-frequency electrotherapy device generates heat energy and kills bacteria.



  • 1 – Handpiece with power adjustment

  • 1 – Shockproof travel case

  • 1 – Unit for connecting to the mains supply

  • 1 – Ball electrode

  • 1 – Small ball electrode

High frequency
For body
For face

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